I made “The Dumbest Book Ever.”
How A Bunch of Poems Proved Me Wrong
Poems for Breakfast was supposed to be a quick project—a simple
“So That One May Walk In Peace”
Self-defense is about learning to kick ass if you have to. It’s also about learning to walk in peace.
Dear Money,
I hope that in writing this, we can be better friends after so many years of unpredictable, unreliable, unfortunate relations.
“Hey, Joey.” A Candid Conversation with My Inner Four-Year-Old
“I mean, you’re gonna find out what you’re really made of. You’re strong enough for that. Like Thundercats and She-ra, you’re going to have your own superhero journey. That means it’s gonna have…
Stories That Explain Everything: Let’s Just Watch Zombies
“Zombies can climb?”
“Does that thing kill zombies?”
“No, you have to stab their brainstem.”
“Huh. Do zombies smell?”
“I don’t know.”
Stories That Explain Everything: “Go Cut That Tree Down”
“Hey, Joey. I need you to cut that tree down out there,” he says. “What?”
6 Self Publishing Rabbit Holes Worth Falling Into
I’m back from the rabbit holes now and I hope that sharing my process helps yours in some way.
Self publishing can involve a whole lot more than meets the eye. As a new author, I share my journey through some of the rabbit holes of self-publishing thus far.
Writer vs Writing App (Spoiler, The App Wins)
It’s called Flowstate and it’s the cruelest and most ingenious writing app I’ve ever used.
After you type your first key, the timer subtly ticks away and your job as the writer is to keep typing. If you stop typing for something around eight seconds, all the words you’ve written so far begi
More Magic, Please
Things are great, but It’s not the things that make things great.
So on this shooting star, I wished to be in the moment as much as possible. To be perpetually led back to the present moment and allow all that wants to come in. I wished to be ready and patient and t